Guardian ® Configurator: fast calculation of the parameters for POLFLAM ® fire-resistant units with extra glass panels

Fire-resistance parameters are nothing but the beginning. Today, fire-resistant glass is expected to have more performance properties, which are reached through adding some functional glass panels to the single unit. Calculation of the parameters for POLFLAM® glass in various configurations is now available from the Guardian® Configurator.   Guardian® Configurator is an application to calculate spectrophotometric and thermal properties of the selected configurations of glazed walls. The software will also specify the parameters of a glass panel mounted in facades of various tilt angles. POLFLAM® fire-resistant glass has been based on the Guardian® glass, just like POLFLAM extra units with functional layers. Data on POLFLAM® fire-resistant glass of all classes have been loaded into the application. The calculated figures have been collected in the detailed pdf report which contains table-listed performance properties in compliance with the standards EN 410 and EN 673.